Investigating the Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil
by Taylor Hogan

Contrary to what you may have thought, hemp seed oil and CBD oil are not the same thing. Both come from the hemp plant, but each one is made from particular parts of the plant, which means they come with slightly different benefits. Hemp and CBD oils are growing in popularity, but sometimes it can be a challenge knowing how to choose the right product for your needs.
You might notice hemp seed oil is an essential ingredient in several of Poplum's products, including our tinctures, pet oils, and facial oils. Unlike many brands that use MCT or coconut oil, Populum uses hemp seed oil as a carrier oil. It’s more nutritious than other oils and tastes better, which means higher-quality CBD products for you to enjoy.
Use this guide to learn about the benefits of hemp seed oil, where it comes from, and how it's different from CBD oil. We'll also explore a few reasons why hemp seed oil is so popular in wellness products and how you can take advantage of both CBD and hemp seed oil.
What Is Hemp Seed Oil?
Just like it sounds, hemp seed oil is an oil that comes from hemp plant seeds. Producing the oil involves mashing the seeds, and preparing them for a grinding stone or oilseed press.
The press goes to work compressing the plant material until the solids and oils separate. Peek inside your kitchen cabinets or pantry. You might see some of your cooking oils are expeller or cold-pressed, referring to the method used to extract the oil. Cold-pressed oil is generally less refined than other extraction methods and preserves hemp seed oil's impressive nutritional content.
Hemp seed oil is an excellent multi-purpose oil. Applied topically, it can soothe and moisturize your skin, keeping it supple. Hemp seed oil also has internal benefits, supporting your body with its nutrient profile.
Hemp seed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats and contains essential fatty acids (PUFAs). Researchers have discovered hemp seed oil has up to 90% unsaturated fat and anywhere from 70-80% of this is from PUFAs. Linoleic acid (LA) makes up more than half of the fatty acids available in the oil, followed by alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
So, what makes hemp seed oil so unique?
Humans and other animals can't make their own essential fatty acids, which means they need to get them from their diet to stay healthy. Fatty acids are critical for preventing cardiovascular disease, improving brain health and cell membrane structures, and regulating inflammation.
If that isn't enough, hemp seeds are good sources of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and vitamin E.
It's important to note that hemp seed oil is delicate. It's prone to oxidation and rancidity, so you'll want to keep it in the refrigerator once you open it. Also, don’t cook with hemp seed oil. It has a low flash point,which means it'll start oxidizing at lower temperatures than something more heat-stable like refined coconut oil.
To preserve the nutritional benefits of hemp seed oil, stick to raw applications only. Try using hemp seed oil in salad dressing, in dip, or to finish a dish once it's off the heat.
How Hemp Seed Oil Is Different From CBD Oil

Despite sometimes being marketed as the same thing, hemp seed oil and CBD oil are different products.
As mentioned, hemp seed oil is made only from hemp seeds, so it only contains compounds from that specific part of the plant. Hemp seed oil is usually easier to find than CBD oil, so you’ll often find hemp oil sitting on the shelf of your local grocery store.
While full of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, hemp seeds don't contain cannabinoids, terpenes, or THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), so there aren't any psychoactive effects. (It’s also the reason why it's much easier to find).
On the other hand, CBD oil is made using the whole plant, giving you an array of cannabinoids and terpenes that hemp seed oil can't compete with.
Cannabinoids are compounds naturally found in hemp plants. They interact with our endocannabinoid system, playing a role in regulating mood, sleep, appetite, memory, and more. Terpenes are found across the plant world, and are responsible for giving plants their aroma and color. In full spectrum CBD oil, both cannabinoids and terpenes work together, enhancing each other's properties.
While you're still getting health benefits with hemp seed oil, you don’t get everything a full spectrum CBD oil or rub has to offer. It's worth noting that depending on how hemp seeds are processed, there may be low levels of CBD (cannabidiol) and THC present. Keep this in mind when deciding if hemp seed oil is a good fit for you and your lifestyle.
To maximize the benefits of hemp seed oil, look for CBD products that incorporate hemp seed oil into their formulas.
Populum's full spectrum CBD oil gives you everything in one bottle so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. You get the benefits of cannabinoids and terpenes in your tincture, along with vitamins and minerals from hemp seed oil. And Populum uses hemp grown right here in the United States.
With every CBD product you order, Populum sends you third-party lab results. You'll get a breakdown of both the cannabinoid and terpene profiles in your blend, and you'll also know how much CBD you're getting in each bottle.
As always, follow the directions on your CBD oil or other hemp product, and start low and slow with your dosage. You'll want to give your body time to adjust and see if you experience any side effects (which are rare). Once you get a sense of how your body responds, feel free to change your dosage over time.
What Are the Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil?

If you’re familiar with other healthy oils such a flaxseed, olive oil, and fish oil, you might be curious about the potential health benefits of hemp seed oil. While the research is ongoing, what scientists are learning about hemp seed oil is encouraging.
From helping to tame inflammation in the body to alleviating skin conditions and more, hemp seed oil just may earn a place in your kitchen. Here are a few benefits of hemp seed oil researchers have discovered:
Provides Numerous Nutrients
Hemp seed oil is loaded with healthy fats. These polyunsaturated fatty acids positively affect your body by lowering inflammation (more on that soon).
Unrefined hemp seed oil is dark green because of its chlorophyll content. Depending on soil quality and where it's grown, hemp seed oil can contain more iodine than other plant oils. Iodine is a mineral naturally found in soil and ocean water. It plays a role in regulating hormones, fetal development, and improving cognitive function.
What's more, hemp seed oil is high in antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals in the body, can improve your gut and microbiome, and affect gene expression (when your DNA changes in response to its environment).
Can Improve Skin Health

Aside from making a delicious addition to a salad, hemp seed oil is a fantastic moisturizer and could bring relief to people with atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found the fatty acid levels in hemp seed oil improved skin dryness and itchiness while reducing moisture loss in the skin.
If you're looking for something topical, consider adding Populum's Lavender CBD Face Oil to your skincare routine. This beautiful facial oil features lavender essential oil to help you feel at ease while hemp seed oil nourishes every inch of your skin. Hemp seed oil is an excellent carrier oil for both essential and CBD oils, helping you absorb all the benefits they have to offer.
There are other ways you can use hemp seed oil to nourish your skin, hair and nails. Ditch your regular makeup remover for hemp seed oil. It's gentle, goes a long way, and can take off stubborn waterproof formulas.
You can also mix your hemp seed oil with sugar to create a moisturizing body scrub or even add it to your shampoo and conditioner to soothe an itchy or dry scalp. Or try massaging hemp seed oil into your cuticles during your next manicure to keep them healthy and hydrated.
Tames Inflammation in the Body
Hemp seed oil's essential fatty acid content (including omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids) contributes to its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It can enhance blood clotting, increase metabolism, and lower overall blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.
Those anti-inflammatory effects go beyond heart disease and cardiovascular health.
Hemp seed oil can also impact brain health. In a 2018 study, scientists isolated two compounds unique to hemp seeds. They reduced the type of cell death and stress that contributed to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease.
A Sustainable Household Staple
Unlike other crops, hemp is truly sustainable. It has a high yield without taking up as much space as other crops, uses less water, is biodegradable, and improves soil quality.
It also easily transitions from your beauty routine to the kitchen. Hemp oil is a lovely addition to recipes such as smoothies, pestos and other no-cook sauces and dips, and makes an excellent finishing oil for soups, salads, stir frys and more.
Enjoy the Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp products are getting more popular every day, so it's only natural you’d be curious if they're right for you and your lifestyle. Whether you use hemp seed oil to moisturize your skin or pick up some CBD capsules to support your body, you can experience hemp's beneficial qualities. Don’t forget to find products from companies who pride themselves on quality and transparency. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re nourishing your body inside and out.