Community Aug 26, 2020

Our Favorite Funny Pet Videos

by Taylor Hogan

We know that things have been stressful for some time now. More and more of us are experiencing the ‘new normal’ that daily routines have shifted to. These huge changes to our routines may be difficult. Back in April, we created and shared some uplifting videos,music and podcasts with our customers in an effort to brighten their days just a bit and share some content they can enjoy during quarantine. The Populum team wanted to check in and say “hello” to our customers.

In honor of National Dog Day as well as our sale on our Zen Pets CBD Chews, we wanted to share some of our favorite pet videos. Staying at home more has become the new normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier for many of us. On the bright side, it means more time spent with our favorite furry friends.

1. Dog Leaps into Owners Arms for a Cuddle

We could all use a furry friend cuddle right about now! Check out this moment caught on camera of a dog leaping into it's owners arms from off the front porch.

2. Quarantine: But Make it Fashion

Being stuck inside doesn't mean we have to sacrifice lookin' good. These pet owners threw a fashion show with their cat, and might we add she looks FABULOUS!

3. Cat Fight During News Interview

Many of us can relate to our pets getting on our webcams during online meetings. Check out this video for the reality of working from home!

4. Stella's Best Leaf Jumps of All Time

Fall is approaching quickly, and with autumn comes falling leaves and raking the yard. Stella makes yardwork a lot more fun with her head-first leaf pile dives. This one made our whole team laugh!

5. Obedience Queen

One of the best feelings comes after knowing you did a great job on something. Turns out this feeling is experienced by pets too!

5. What the Fluff Challenge Fail

Quarantine has brought up a lot of creative ways to stay entertained at home, but this includes keeping your pets entertained as well! Check out this prank on two yorkies go wrong (and it's hilarious!)

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